Fusion, I don’t want to be brutal but I will be. Your reliance on the veracity of the Bible is a grave mistake. In real life, as opposed to the mystical one fabricated by the stew pot of religion, the Bible is an antique and outdated irrelevance. Humanity in the developed world has moved on...have you not noticed? We increasingly depend on the technologies which scientific determinations have made and which humanistic thought and practice such as found in democracy and putting human needs first; has resulted in happier lives and welfare for the many. In the UK at least and most of north Western Europe we live in a post-Christian environment where religious belief has been superseded by pragmatism. Religious hope remains for the otherwise hopeless who find it necessary to grasp an invisible straw to keep mentally afloat. Religion is the institutional belief that we can overcome death...we cannot. The ransom sacrifice is central to this false belief.
Consider this: if evolution is factual and therefore man was not created but evolved; at what point in the evolving continuum of the genus Homo would a “ransom sacrifice” begin to work?
It is impossible to make a logical round peg fit into a mythical square hole.